Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 5- MovieMaker

I found making the below movie an exciting, yet challenging task. In a school context, I believe this form of techonolgy would be extremely beneficial towards students after being on an excursion. This is because, students would be able to reflect on their learning experiences and capture images relevant to the purpose of the designed trip. However I would recommend guidance from learning managers (teachers) as the program, to some students, may be difficult to grasp.

(I created it as a youtube clip because I was experiencing difficulty with MovieMaker)

Please Note: This movie was not created for educational purposes but for entertainment. Music is by Louis Armstrong, song ' What a Wonderful World'.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jennah, I agree that students can use MovieMaker to reflect on their learning journey but, I also believe movies can be used for students to observe and investigate class activities which show their knowledge and understanding of the content being studied.

  3. Hi Jennah,
    I made a movie in Windows Movie Maker, spent hours doing it then could not post it, oh well. I haven't watched your video as I am running at dial up speed. I congratulate anyone who takes the time to make a movie, it's not easy. In saying that, they are rather exciting to make and very useful for teachers, particularly if they have a personal touch. I like your comment on using video to revisited field trips. This would be a good way to integrate the knowledge not only into their learning as they move on but to also get them thinking about the things they may have missed on the field trip. I think that a documented trip as you suggest would make for better reflection by teachers and also remain as a lasting resource for the school. One problem I had with Movie Maker was working from two computers on the one project was impossible because the file addresses that movie maker looks for are from the original address the file came from and will not find them on a new computer even if they follow a memory stick.
